
Click the play button to watch a short video from the instructor

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to class!

    2. A message from the instructor

    3. Orientation to this course

    4. Course outline

    5. Course Workbook

    6. Before we begin...

    7. Hard work + honesty agreement

    1. Introduction

    2. Suggested deadline for module

    3. What terms should I know?

    4. You're picking this up fast!

    5. And…a few more terms

    6. Check your knowledge

    7. Action items!

    8. Exit checklist!

    1. You're smashing it!

    2. Introduction

    3. Suggested deadline for module

    4. What pitfalls do I need to be aware of?

    5. Mindset summary

    6. Am I cut out to be a YouTube Creator?

    7. What does Ryan's wife think of his YouTube endeavor? (Interview)

    8. What supplies do I need to buy?

    9. My supplies plan

    10. Ryan’s recommended wish list

    11. How will I make money on YouTube?

    12. Passive income stream "tiers"

    13. Income stream descriptions

    14. Researching potential income streams

    15. Helpful links to income streams

    16. Becoming aware of your time

    17. Check your knowledge

    18. Action items!

    19. Exit checklist!

    1. You're on fire!

    2. Suggested deadline for module

    3. The channel theme discovery process

    4. What will my YouTube channel be about?

    5. How can I identify a channel theme from common things in my home?

    6. Let's find my YouTube channel theme now!

    7. Broad channel ideas list

    8. Are you stuck?

    9. How do I open a YouTube account?

    10. How do I add or reserve multiple YouTube channels?

    11. Check your knowledge

    12. Action items!

    13. Exit checklist!

    1. You're making it happen!

    2. Introduction

    3. Suggested deadline for module

    4. Selecting a YouTube channel name

    5. Researching and selecting my channel name

    6. How do I customize my channel? (Part 1)

    7. How do I customize my channel? (Part 2)

    8. How do I customize my channel? (Part 3)

    9. How do I write a description (example)?

    10. Before you continue...

    11. How do I make a logo?

    12. How do I make a banner?

    13. How do I make a watermark?

    14. How do I make a trailer?

    15. How do I make playlists?

    16. Brand research - what are other channels doing?

    17. Drafting my branding ideas

    18. Brand checklist

    19. Final thoughts

    20. Helpful links

    21. Check your knowledge

    22. Action items!

    23. Exit checklist!

    1. No turning back now!

    2. Suggested deadline for module

    3. What is an intro, midtro, and outro?

    4. Intro, midtro, and outro concept

    5. How do I make an intro and outro?

    6. How do I make a midtro?

    7. Is there an easier way to do a midtro?

    8. Check your knowledge

    9. Action items!

    10. Exit checklist!

About this course

  • $19.99
  • 177 lessons
  • 12 hours of video content

Want an extra $1,700 a month - every month? Build your YouTube legacy and start earning, today.*

*income not guaranteed; results & timeline will vary


Founder, This Better Home YouTube Channel Ryan Dehner

Ryan is an associate professor with 18 years of teaching experience. He is a husband, father of two, and the founder of the This Better Home YouTube channel.

Turn your hobbies into real income.

This online class is designed for busy individuals who want to turn their hobbies, interests, or skills into side hustle passive income. You will learn practical skills to start & monetize your own YouTube channel quickly - with little to no start-up costs.

  • 12 hours of video trainings (face & screen views; closed captions available)

  • 65-page printable workbook to support lessons (many documents with video instructions)

  • Flexible & self-paced curriculum anchored in 7 core themes across 10 modules

  • Watch the instructor film, edit, & publish real YouTube videos

  • Instructor is an associate professor with 18+ years of teaching experience

Free Bonus Items

When you enroll as a student in this course, you will also have access to the following:

  • A free e-copy of "From 0-1000 Subscribers: 15 Well-Kept Secrets to Monetizing Your YouTube Channel"

    Receive a free e-copy by email of "From 0-1000 Subscribers: 15 Well-Kept Secrets to Monetizing Your YouTube Channel", document that contains critical tips & strategies to help you monetize your YouTube channel faster.

  • An opportunity to be featured on This Better Home!

    Your soon-to-be YouTube channel may be eligible to be featured on the This Better Home YouTube channel (if it meets our quality standards). This means an opportunity for more attention to your growing channel, which can help you get more subscribers and reach your monetization goals faster. You can apply as an enrolled student.

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Thank You

Start My New Side-Gig Adventure, Today


  • What is the format of this class?

    This course is delivered asynchronously, which means it is 100% online and completely self-paced.

  • Are there specific times or days I need to show up?

    There are no live classes, no interactions between other students or the teacher, and no specific times you need to be present. All learning is done individually & flexibly at your own pace.

  • How long will this course take me to complete?

    The timeline for completion of this course will depend on many factors and on your specific situation; however, it is logical and reasonable to complete all modules within 5 weeks or less (not including the "practice & scaling up" phase, which may take much longer). Read the free Course Outline for more information.

  • How are the modules organized?

    There are 7 core modules in this course. Because some modules are divided into two, there are actually 10 modules. Each module has an overall theme containing one or several skills, and each builds on previous skills. To maximize your learning, each module has a motivational video, introduction, interactive lectures, a quiz, a list of action items, printable documents and worksheets, a competency checklist, and more.

  • How quickly will my YouTube channel monetize after taking this course?

    The This Better Home YouTube channel began monetizing within approximately 12 months using the model this course will teach you. Applying these strategies, which are now refined, it is possible for you to meet the YouTube requirements for monetizing anywhere between 3-12 months (logical estimation) after you complete the course. Of course, there is no guarantee your channel will monetize after taking this course, or your channel may monetize much faster! Like anything, success depends on several factors, including your available time, motivation, ability to understand and apply concepts, hard work, etc.

  • Is this class for me?

    If you are a self-starter and hard worker, are committed to earning passive income with little to no start-up costs, and have access to a smartphone with a working camera, iMovie (or similar software) and decent storage, this class is for you.

  • What supplies do I need for this class, and to start a YouTube channel?

    Not many! No fancy or expensive equipment is needed. All you need is your smartphone (iPhone strongly recommended) with a camera, microphone, video-editing software (iMovie recommended), and decent storage (32GB or more). If you do not enjoy working on a smartphone, you will need access to an iPad or computer and possibly a separate camera. We also recommend you have access to a color printer, as the course workbook and documents are better if you can physically write on them.

  • Can I get a refund?

    Unfortunately, no. Because you have instant access to the course upon enrollment, refunds are not allowed. Be sure to read all the course details, view the free preview lessons, and ask any questions you may have by emailing the instructor at [email protected] **before** you decide to enroll in this course.

  • Will Ryan, the instructor, personally coach me or meet with me during this course?

    This course is 100% asynchronous and self-paced. Because there is no live component, you will not meet or interact with other students or Ryan, the instructor. Personalized mentorship is not possible (at this time), but if you wish to inquire about the possibility of hiring Ryan as a YouTube channel coach, please send an email to [email protected].